Inukshuk’s Enterprise Change Management Platform is highly effective because it is rooted in Organizational Design (OD) training that develops the hallmarks of a high performance organization:
Alignment. If you don't first educate your workforce in a theory of organizational science, they will apply their own theories. The ensuing lack of a cohesive and agreed upon set of management principles does nothing to help translate strategy into action and makes change management virtually impossible.
Agility. Inukshuk's ECM training improves employee engagement by aligning individual behaviors towards the execution of strategic and tactical goals. ECM trained organizations tend to become matrixed via shared ownership and accountability of management principles. The principles, in fact, are the levers that can be pulled to change the strategic or tactical course of the organization thereby improving business agility.
Accountability. Matrixed reporting lines foster innovative culture and ensure that everyone has "skin in the game" by contributing to the execution of the broader strategic needs and goals of the organization. Everyone in the organization makes individual choices that reinforce one another, rendering the collective of employees exponentially more effective.
*DANGER: Just because you learned how to plant a tomato doesn't make you a gardener.
Learning Excel does not make you an accountant. Learning how to change a tire does not make you a mechanic.
Learning how to a fry an egg does not make you a chef.
*Learning just one (1) single Change Management model (e.g. ADKAR) doesn't make you a Change Manager.
Inukshuk competitive advantage #1: we do not evangelize just one (1) single change management model.
There are literally thousands of tools, methodologies and models that can be applied to Change Management. You've probably heard of some of these - we talk about them all during the course:
Rites of Passage (Arnold Van Gennep)
3 Step Change Model (Kurt Lewin)
Diffusion of Innovations (Everett Rogers)
Organization Design (Richard Beckhard)
5 Stages of Grief (Kubler Ross)
The McKinsey 7S Model (Peters, Waterman & Phillips)
Transition Model (William Bridges)
ADKAR (Jeff Hiatt)
8 Steps to Managing Change (John Kotter)
GE Workout (Jack Welch)
Causal Model of Organizational Performance and Change (Burke Litwin)
Six Sigma (Bill Smith/Motorola)
Agile Scrum (Kent Beck, Ken Schwaber, Mike Beedle)
Lean (Taiichi Ohno/Toyota)
One of the most common problems clients talk to us about is change execution & leadership.
Many of the models used in Change Management emphasize the need for things like a sponsor for change, change agent networks, resistance management, training plans and effective communication to move from a current state to a desired future state. Conceptually that's all good and it makes sense - but how does an organization bring that to life? Who needs to do what, in order to operationalize Change Management?
In addition to passing the Final Exam, each Inukshuk ECM training course participant spends part of the 3 days customizing the Inukshuk ECM Implementation Road Map and developing an Action Plan for their organization.
Wouldn't it be great if someone compiled the best Change Management tools, models, methods, methodologies and approaches in a preeminent training curriculum? And delivered the program with a custom tailored road map to build operational Change Management capability?
Inukshuk's Enterprise Change Management curriculum melds decades of practical experience and lessons learned from some of the largest business transformation projects in the world, with innovative academic contributions from business elite, social science pioneers and psychology thought leaders.
Inukshuk is highly effective because the ECM course develops the skills, knowledge and abilities required to meld executive strategy with tactical action across operational management in 6 key areas - represented by stones in the below Inukshuk.
While C-LEVEL LEADERS set the company mission, vision, values and strategy that define the overall performance goals for the organization, it's SENIOR MANAGEMENT that plan and communicate how to operationalize their execution. The responsibility to carry out the plans and accomplish the goals is delegated to the MANAGEMENT level and progress is supported by NON-MANAGEMENT STAFF.
In order to manage this optimally, aspiring leaders need more than technical training: they need to understand the overall business and market environment in which decisions are made, and they must have the management skills necessary to implement their ideas.
Inukshuk's ECM courses are designed to develop skills, competencies, knowledge and deliver tools that are typically used at the Management level or higher.